
residential drainage

If your house was built 50-100 years ago, you’re probably looking at replacing your cast iron drain pipes. They’ve likely started to leak, discolor your water, or caused some sort of plumbing issue in your home. Now, the big debate. Do you repair the damage done or replace the pipes altogether? Our experts at Moonlight Plumbing are here to help guide you through your decision making process and help fix your residential drainage issues.

Common Issues That Arise with Cast Iron Pipes

Cast iron pipes were designed to last for long periods of time. In fact, they were created to last 80 to 100 years, outlasting many of us. The caveat is you have to properly maintain them to make them last so long. Even if they are properly maintained, there’s no avoiding natural disasters like tree roots interfering with the underground plumbing systems. Most certainly, though, if not properly cared for, deterioration of cast iron pipes will happen at a very rapid rate. There’s truly no telling WHEN your pipes will go bad. But our experts can say, with confidence, they WILL go bad. If your home has cast iron pipes, consider investing in PVC pipes to save your house from the following problems:

  1. Discolored Water and/or Odors Around Your Home
  2. Mold in the Walls
  3. Slow Drains
  4. Cracks
  5. Sewage Puddles
  6. Lawn or Driveway Indentations
  7. Pest Infestations
  8. And More!

Why You Should Not Repair Cast Iron Pipes, Rather Replace Them

We’ve all heard the saying “We won this battle, but not the war.” The same logic can be applied to cast iron pipe repairs. The fix may work temporarily, but after a short time there will be many other issues that arise. If you have to do a repair to the pipes, in general, that means their usage and time has nearly come to an end. The small, less expensive repairs will end up costing quite a bit and you will eventually need to replace the pipes. Thus, making all the time, effort and money put into the many small repairs a waste.

To make the full replacement cost less of a burden, you can always look into splitting up the replacement into phases. Meaning, replace a section of the pipes month one then do another section at month six. This is not always a feasible option as it varies depending on the house and piping. It also depends on if the contractor is able/willing to do this. It doesn’t hurt to ask, though!

Conclusion: Call One of Our Experts for Your Residential Drainage Issues

At Moonlight Plumbing, our experts have handled various cast iron pipe repairs and replacements. We want to help guide you through your decision when it comes to any residential drainage issues. Contact our team today to further discuss your options and see how we may be able to help

Many of us see eliminating oil heat from our house as a daunting task. A lot of us see the larger upfront cost and don’t really understand the benefits of paying for this upgrade. You’re not alone thinking the costs won’t outweigh the benefits. But, our Connecticut plumber wants to help clarify why you should be weary of using oil to heat your water/home and look into investing in a more renewable energy source. And, when/if you’re ready to make the switch we know just who to call!

Connecticut Plumber Shares the Oil Facts

If our planet doesn’t reduce its carbon footprint by 50% in the next two decades, we’ll all experience serious consequences. This means many of us need to stop using oil in our homes. Oil is used for three main reasons in our home: to heat water, living space, or the chimney. One of the biggest issues with using oil to heat your home is the “standby” losses that occur with your boiler. Typically, about a quarter of your heat is wasted by escaping through your chimney or into your basement!

There are countless other downfalls of using oil as your main heat source. Here are just a few of the “big factors” we’d like to share. Typically, oil has higher fuel cost because \ heating oil is more expensive than heating natural gas. Also, oil requires a lot of maintenance. Dirt and soot often get mixed in the oil and build up causing issues. So, more times than one would like, there are repair men sent to the house to help clean out the build up. Finally, in general, oil heat is just inconvenient. It doesn’t have the pipeline infrastructure so you have to store the oil in a tank and refill regularly.

Solutions We Offer at Moonlight Plumbing

If you’re looking to replace/upgrade your system, we have a couple options at Moonlight Plumbing that may suit your needs.

  • Option #1: Tankless Water Heaters
    • Saves Money – it prevents the system from heating water that won’t be used.
    • Efficient – It only uses energy to heat the water on an as-needed basis.
    • Longevity – You’ll be less likely to replace your water heater.
    • No Limit to Hot Water – It heats water on demand so there’s never a chance of running out.
  • Option #2: Conventional Water Heaters
    • There are two subcategories when selecting this option; natural gas or electric.
    • Option A – Natural Gas Heaters:
      • Cheaper Than Oil – there’s more stable supply and demand for gas making it cheaper than oil.
      • Requires Little Maintenance – gas burns cleaner than oil resulting in less build up of dirt or other particles. Therefore, less repairs/cleaning necessary.
      • Gas is Nontoxic – it won’t contaminate soil or groundwater if it leaks.
    • Option B – Electric Heaters:
      • Safe and Reliable – most have no moving parts which means there’s less chance of breaking down. Thus, resulting in longer life span as well.
      • Affordable and Efficient – it’s the cheapest option of heating a home because of stable supply and demand for a long period of time now.
        • They can also be wired room to room so if a room is not in use, you won’t need to heat it saving you money
      • Environmentally Friendly – doesn’t require the burning of anything so it will not emit pollutants into the atmosphere. It also eliminates the risk of gas leaks.

Let Us Help You Find a Better Solution

While there is no right or wrong way to heat your house, our Connecticut plumber believes there is a worse and better solution. Finding the right solution to heat your home so it’s affordable, reliable, and efficient is important. If you’re ready to help stop pollution, save money in the long term, and upgrade your home by switching your oil heater to natural gas or electric, call one of our experts today. Or, if you have questions or need more information reach out on our website, too! We look forward to helping you find a better way to heat your home.