
Most commercial buildings like hospitals, hotels and education centers have in-house maintenance workers who are able to assist with daily plumbing issues. However, there are many instances when hiring a commercial plumbing professional is necessary for larger and more urgent problems. These are the top five most common commercial plumbing issues that may require a professional plumber.

Damaged Water Pipes

Commercial properties rely on their water pipes functioning properly. It is important to avoid damage and know when to call a professional when something seems off with your plumbing. Signs of damaged water pipes include discolored water, low water pressure, increased water bills and foul smells.

commercial contracting

Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure in commercial buildings is an indicator of a leaky or burst pipe. This is detrimental in commercial properties because they rely on properly running water to meet certain industry standards. They also must maintain a proper level of cleanliness. If you’re concerned about the pressure of your water being too low, contact a commercial plumbing professional ASAP.

Blocked or Damaged Sewage Lines

No commercial property owner wants disgusting matter from their sewage line to back up into their building. Unfortunately, that happens when you allow blocked sewage to go untreated by a commercial plumbing professional for too long. Even worse, the sewage lines can experience major damage while remaining blocked for too long. A bad smell circulating your building is a clear indicator that your sewage lines may be blocked.

Slab Leaks

Slab leaks can cause serious damage to your commercial building’s foundation. They are also very difficult to detect. If you let a slab leak go unattended, you could potentially face major damage to your entire commercial property. Indicators that you need to call a commercial plumbing professional include cracks in the walls, ceiling and floor, warping on your hardwood flooring, and wetness in carpets.

Corroded Pipes

Corrosion on plumbing pipes is a major sign that the pipes are old and are more susceptible to major problems. Leaks, restricted water flow and even bursts are common with corroded pipes. It’s important to know when to decommission your commercial building’s piping. This way you’re able to prevent any future damage from happening.

If you own a commercial building and have experienced any of the plumbing issues above, Contact us today for 10% off your first service! You can count on our team of experts to deliver dependable service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

residential drainage

If your house was built 50-100 years ago, you’re probably looking at replacing your cast iron drain pipes. They’ve likely started to leak, discolor your water, or caused some sort of plumbing issue in your home. Now, the big debate. Do you repair the damage done or replace the pipes altogether? Our experts at Moonlight Plumbing are here to help guide you through your decision making process and help fix your residential drainage issues.

Common Issues That Arise with Cast Iron Pipes

Cast iron pipes were designed to last for long periods of time. In fact, they were created to last 80 to 100 years, outlasting many of us. The caveat is you have to properly maintain them to make them last so long. Even if they are properly maintained, there’s no avoiding natural disasters like tree roots interfering with the underground plumbing systems. Most certainly, though, if not properly cared for, deterioration of cast iron pipes will happen at a very rapid rate. There’s truly no telling WHEN your pipes will go bad. But our experts can say, with confidence, they WILL go bad. If your home has cast iron pipes, consider investing in PVC pipes to save your house from the following problems:

  1. Discolored Water and/or Odors Around Your Home
  2. Mold in the Walls
  3. Slow Drains
  4. Cracks
  5. Sewage Puddles
  6. Lawn or Driveway Indentations
  7. Pest Infestations
  8. And More!

Why You Should Not Repair Cast Iron Pipes, Rather Replace Them

We’ve all heard the saying “We won this battle, but not the war.” The same logic can be applied to cast iron pipe repairs. The fix may work temporarily, but after a short time there will be many other issues that arise. If you have to do a repair to the pipes, in general, that means their usage and time has nearly come to an end. The small, less expensive repairs will end up costing quite a bit and you will eventually need to replace the pipes. Thus, making all the time, effort and money put into the many small repairs a waste.

To make the full replacement cost less of a burden, you can always look into splitting up the replacement into phases. Meaning, replace a section of the pipes month one then do another section at month six. This is not always a feasible option as it varies depending on the house and piping. It also depends on if the contractor is able/willing to do this. It doesn’t hurt to ask, though!

Conclusion: Call One of Our Experts for Your Residential Drainage Issues

At Moonlight Plumbing, our experts have handled various cast iron pipe repairs and replacements. We want to help guide you through your decision when it comes to any residential drainage issues. Contact our team today to further discuss your options and see how we may be able to help

frozen pipes plumbing

It’s getting to be that time of the year, again, where you have to put on a few extra layers before walking outside. For many in the North, the snowfall has already begun. With the snowfall comes freezing temperatures, with freezing temperatures comes plumbing issues if not properly cared for/prepped! Our plumbers at Moonlight Plumbing, a top plumber in Connecticut, want to help ensure your family’s plumbing is prepared for what this winter may bring.

Before Winter Plumbing Prep

Install Insulation in Your Pipes

If water in your plumbing freezes, it will expand causing the pipe to burst. That’s why it’s so important to insulate and, in general, prep pipes for freezing temperatures. The best option is to purchase specifically designed pipe insulation. It’s especially important for areas of your home that are unheated like an attic, garage or basement. If you need an urgent, temporary solution, you can always use duct tape and newspaper for a quick insulation fix.

Seal Any and All Cracks

You’ll want to be sure you check your home for cracks and openings to stop drafts from freezing water systems. Specific areas to check include window and door frames, cable holes, sill plates, interior and exterior walls, etc. These fixes will improve your home insulation, in general, for the brutal winter nights.

Apply Electrical Heating Tape to Pipers

This is an option for easily-accessible pipes. This tape can be applied directly to any pipe to help retain heat. Note there are two different kinds of heating tape that can be used; self-monitoring and manual. Self-monitoring has a sensor that will automatically turn on and off when it senses the pipe needs more or less heat. Manual requires you to plug it in when the pipes may need more heat.

*DANGER: Follow manufacturer’s instructions and safety procedures when using and applying electrical heating tape.

Seal Crawl Spaces

If you live in an area where the winters are quite brutal, you want to be sure to cover crawl spaces with foam pieces cut to the dimensions of the vents. Secure foam with duct tape to ensure best insulation.

During Winter Tips/Tricks

Open Cabinets Regularly

While this may sound like an odd suggestion, any warm air circulating around pipes will better help to retain heat within the pipes. Be sure to remove any harmful chemicals from the cabinet if accessible to small children or pets!

Keep the Garage Door(s) Closed

Obviously, this is really important if you have water lines that run through your garage. Even one night of letting the cold air rush in because of leaving it open can be enough to burst and ruin your pipes.

Keep Thermostat Consistent

It’s important to keep steady temperatures around the home as it will help prevent ice blockages. It may be tempting to lower the thermostat at night to save on the heating bill, but this puts your pipes at risk. Take our word for it, a burst pipe is much more expensive than a slightly larger heating bill!

Open Interior Doors to Keep Your Home at a Consistent Temperature

This goes hand in hand with the point above. A steady flow of a consistent temperature will only improve and ensure pipes stay warm.

Set Heat to at Least 55˚F When You’re Not Home

This message mostly goes out to the “snow birds.” While it’s easy to just think you can turn everything off to save on utilities while you’re gone for the next few months, that’s just not the case. Be sure to keep your thermostat set to 55˚F or above to help prevent a piping disaster.

Let the Faucets Drip

Last tip/recommendation is to let the faucets drip. This doesn’t mean to turn on all the faucets in your house for every winter night. But, when particularly bitter weather is headed your way, determine which faucets are fed by “exposed” pipes and keep a drip of water running throughout the bad weather. Since running water carries more internal energy, it will create a warmer pipe versus stagnant water.

christmas christmas house cold fir

Frozen Pipes? The Top Plumber in Connecticut Can Help!

If you happen to run into an unfortunate frozen or burst pipe issue, be sure to contact a professional IMMEDIATELY! Our Moonlight plumbers are available to assist with any plumbing emergencies anytime (24/7). Call the top plumber in Connecticut, Moonlight Plumbing, or email our team for more information/assistance. Stay safe and be prepared for the coming winter months!

commercial plumber

For your safety and the safety of your home, our bathroom plumber typically recommends leaving the plumbing to the plumbers. However, a clogged toilet is a frustrating plumbing issue that you may be able to solve on your own, without a plunger. 

For many, plungers are a side-of-the-toilet bathroom staple and the easy go-to for an unforgiving clog. However, plungers are oftentimes used with excessive force creating an even bigger mess. When used improperly, a plunger may break the seal between the floor and the toilet or even crack the bowl.

Check out these 5 home remedies to clear a clogged toilet without a plumber.

*A friendly reminder from your neighborhood bathroom plumber, always wear protective gloves when working with your plumbing.

Hot Water

An easy, yet effective, declogging method is to pour hot water into the toilet bowl. The hot water may loosen the clog just enough to get things moving. When trying this method, make sure your water is hot, not boiling. Boiling water may crack your toilet creating a much larger problem. 

Dish Soap

Hot water not doing the trick? Trying adding one cup of dish soap into the bowl. You’ll want to let the mixture sit for 30 minutes before flushing. If you have the time, consider letting the soap and water sit overnight. If you are all out of dish soap, shampoo could be used in its place.

Drain Clearing Chemicals

Although using chemicals is not an eco-friendly method, they do work. Follow the instructions closely on a product such as Drano. If you are dealing with a particularly pesky clog, do not use drain chemicals over and over again. They can cause the pipes to burn with overuse.

Drain Snake

Invest in a drain snake. On this particular one, a vinyl guard protects the porcelain at the throat of the toilet bowl. Follow the instructions closely for maximum effectiveness. Some people are tempted to unravel a wire hanger as a homemade drain snake. If the clog is very deep, this method will not work because the wire will not bend. Also, if used without care, the wire could damage the throat of the toilet.   

Baking Soda and Vinegar:

This classic cleaning mixture can also be used to clear a toilet. To use this method, you’ll need the toilet bowl about half way full of water. Add one cup of baking soda into the water, mix it around and let it sink. Next, add two cups of vinegar in a circular motion into the toilet and let it fizz. Wait about 30 minutes and try to flush. If it does not work the first time, add the same mixture into the toilet and let it sit overnight.

moonlight plumbing bathroom toilet

Even with top of the line plumbing, clogs will happen. Fortunately, there are a few plunger alternatives that are known to get rid of the grease and grime jamming up your toilet. If these tips and tricks don’t work, it may be time to call a local bathroom plumber. If you are located in the Mystic or Stonington, CT area, contact us for a free quote!